Weather, like life can be cruel. And the Bobbitt 3 learned this harsh lesson first thing this morning. They bound from bed to the window, expecting a winter wonderland. Instead, they found, nothing. Not one flake of snow had fallen overnight. And once again their fragile dreams of bus cancellations were shattered. And as they all mourned the loss of their almost snow day, I did a dance of joy in the kitchen. No worries though, by the time they came in, I had almost managed to wipe the grin off of my face. Almost. The bitter irony of it all, the snow actually began to fall shortly before school ended for the day. To late in the day to warrant an early dismissal, to early to cause bus cancellations for tomorrow. And thus they learned another harsh lesson, the weather man is often wrong. The supposed 15 cms storm, in the end amounted to not much more then 3 cms at the most. And wouldn't you know, the girls had a Camp Fire for Brownies and Sparks, tonight of all nights. The biggest "storm" we've had all winter, and we had to go out in it. You'd think with the massive amounts of snow it would have been cancelled, but no. So, off we went on the treacherous roads, in the middle of our blizzard to drop them off. It was actually quite pretty, as far as snow storms go. The girls had a good time until Katty realized her hands were cold. And then all hell broke loose, there was no consoling her. She was done and she wanted to go home yesterday. Thank goodness her sister was there to comfort her. She even gave up her own campfire blanket, so her sister would be warmer. She stayed with her, rubbing her hands, until I got there. The love-in continued until well after we got home. Libby got Katty's bed ready for her, and found her blankets and favourite stuffies and helped me get the hot water bottle. They even cuddled together in bed. As she drifted off to sleep, Katty's last words were, "I love you Libby." And even more shocking, Libby told Katty she loved her too! And I so wished I'd had a tape recorder near by, because they will never, ever, willingly say those words again. Tomorrow, all of the good will and new found sisterly love will be forgotten, and the proverbial gloves will be off.
"The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it."~~Patrick Young
HMMMMM...now, they could come visit us; we've got al kinds of snow to give away, quite happily, if you get what I mean. The Bobbitt 3 would be in heaven.
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