We've finally completed 3 months. I've got to say, it really has gone by fast. Now, if only the next 4 would go as fast. I took my new Canada signs into the store in Pembroke, and they absolutely loved them (and their favourites were my favourites too). They ordered a bunch, so I guess I'll need to go visit my buddy Elton this week. Poor old bugger, I haven't been to see him in forever, he probably thinks I dumped him.
Connor is on the mend from Pine Cone's death, and actually had a great day at school today. He's decided he's going to name his next hamster Acorn, as if there will be a next hamster. The funniest part of that is, Aunt Annette always called Pine Cone, Acorn, by mistake. So, now Connor figures she'd call the new hamster Pine Cone. Oh, and finally, tonight Connor let me take him for a hair cut. Not that he wouldn't let me before, but I've just put it off. And he really does hate having his hair cut. Boy does he ever look like you now Dan, I think anyway. While Connor and I were getting his hair cut, Katherine went to Brownies with Elizabeth. They had a special meeting for all of the Sparks who are moving up to Brownies next year. Katty is quite keen to become a Brownie. Elizabeth has no such aspirations about Guides. She is just not interested. When she came out of Brownies tonight she said she was glad there are only 2 weeks left. When I asked her if she'd miss it, her reply was, "No, I've had enough of this racket." Oh my, don't know where she would have picked that up from.

My two favourite new signs!
Another article about Dan's battery. I think the Dragon Battery nickname might stick!
"Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said." ~Author Unknown