And I Will Call Her...
So, I'm thinking it's probably not a good thing when your 7 year old daughter says I curse you. Especially when said 7 year old daughter is Katherine. You never know whats going to happen. I was afraid I would turn into a toad or a pumpkin, or my head would start spinning, at the very least, but so far, I'm okay. Seriously, that kid has enough personality for 20. Grampa Ben would have said she's feisty, I say she's evil. I'd like to blame her temperament on you Dan, but we both know I'd never get away with that one. She is too much like me for her own good. And since we've both got our hair cut, everyone says the resemblance is more striking. As much as it pains me to admit it, she really is my Mini Me. I know you're laughing right now Mom and Dad. Don't even bother to pretend you're not. You always said you wanted me to have one just like me only 10 times worse. I really don't think that's very nice. I have lost track of the things I have done to annoy her today (or any day for that matter). She kept me up half the night coughing, and than complained because I was snoring when she came into my bed. She was then mad at me this morning because it was raining and she had to wear her rubber boots. Apparently, I am the worstest mother ever. After school, she was annoyed with me because her tooth is almost out, and it is hurting her. Somehow, this is all my fault. I offered to take it out for her, but that was not an option. Stupid dumb tooth. If she keeps it up, she'll be Express Posted to Gramma and Grumpy faster then she can say I hate you. Good thing I have my Venture 1 business card, I'll get a 5% discount.So, as a general rule, I'm not fond of having my picture taken. I've had several complaints about the lack of photos of me on the blog. For the most part, I've tried to ignore them. But I'm afraid there is a mutiny a foot, and so I thought I'd sooth the savage beasts before they attack. Katty's enough for me to handle these days.

"When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, an hundred."~~Thomas Jefferson
Your Dad and I have just been laughing over this section of the blog. Now you must realize what we went through with you. I've forgotten how many times you told me you hated me and only loved Daddy. After all YOU were Daddy's little girl!!!
Do you remember how many times I chased you around the house calling you a rotten little brat??? A probably something worse?
PS: Dend her home; Grumpy would love to havw a "Mini Me" to spoil rotten.
Okay, sounds like you have your work cut out, and sorry.... I can't believe you were ever like that?!!! Okay, maybe. Good to see some photos of you now. Hair looks great - go the curlies!! We will take over the world (but only on a day when we have no frizz!!).
wow, look wonderful!! I see a big difference since I saw you last!!!
the anonymous comment was me!!
Hey skinny girl! I laugh every time you reflect on Kattie's similarities to you. I still very clearly recall you chasing your cousin Bill down the road one fine summer morning, broom in hand. He was larger and older than you, but you were the boss...and he had enough senses to run as fast as he could, anywhere where he could get away from you!
Skinny, ha, you make me laugh! How scary Aunt Mary, I clearly remember that incident, and all I can say is he had it coming!
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