The Ancient One...
Well, it wasn't what you'd call an exciting day in Petawawa. Except for of course, when Dan called. That was definitely the highlight of our week. But other then that, it was a very dull day. I was so bored, I cleaned the carpet on the stairs. That's bored for you. We then decided on a trip to Walmart, because I had promised Connor a new pack of Yugi-oh cards as a reward for doing so well in school this week. And then Katty decided she really, really needed to spend her tooth fairy money. She kept asking me every five minutes when we were going to leave. I eventually grew weary of this and asked her what the rush was. "I'm just so ancient Mommy." "Ancient?" "Yes, I'm ancient to spend my tooth fairy money." "Oh," I said. "Don't you mean anxious?" At this point she looked at me quite exasperated, and replied, "Yes, mommy, that's what I said." Alrightie then. My mistake. So, off we went to Walmart. There are actually few things I dislike more then a shopping trip to Walmart with three kids on a Saturday afternoon (Dan's deployment would actually be at the top of my dislike list, but never mind.) Fortunately for me, the kids quickly made their decisions, and we were home within 90 minutes. And when we got home, Stuie decided Arlene and I might like to go for a walk, so he watched all of the kids, and away we went, hoping to walk off some of the chocolate eggs we've eaten. I'm afraid after this week, we probably should have walked an extra five hours."Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them."~~ Antoine de Saint Exupery
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