Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Daddy's Guns...

Squee, Dan called again this morning. Twice in four days, a real treat, and a great way to start the day. The kids went off to school very happy after talking to daddy. He's been in KAF the last few days, and I like it.

I was excited to see his Battery was in the news once again today. There were a couple of great articles about the guns in Helmand province working with the British and Americans. All of the articles about the Battery today were fantastic. It's great to get first hand accounts from the soldiers of life in Afghanistan. This time they interviewed our friend Derek, Dan's 2IC and my friend Jen's hubby. We both get so excited (I know, I'm not easily excitable) when we see Dan or Derek's name in an article. It's the little things, really. We don't have a heck of a lot else to be excited about these days. The article in the Ottawa Sun, had some great photos of the gunline, and this picture of the guns is Connor's new favourite. Boys. He's decided he wants to join the army now, just like Daddy and Poppa. He definitely likes playing in the woods, and doesn't mind getting dirty, but I'm not sure he has the work ethic to be a soldier. They definitely work some very long hours (trust me, I know this first hand, and no, I'm not bitter, honest). Someone asked me the other day if I'd let me son be a soldier. I found this a rather strange question. I figure if he's an adult, and that's what he wants to do, that's his decision, and I know Dan and I would both support him in whatever he decides to do. Except become a bum, I will absolutely not allow that one. He's only 11, and I'm pretty sure he is going to change his mind a few times between now and then. He's already had a few job changes this year already. Today soldier, a few months ago a garbage man, the month before that, archaeologist. He's got diverse interests, I'll give him that.




"Canada really is the big kid on the block."~~Captain Derek Crabbe


Mike said...

Wow, I wanted to be an archaeologist and a garbage man when I was a kid too. Small world. Maybe he can do both and dig through really old trash...?

Anonymous said...

I can see Connor being a soldier like, Daddy and Poppa, at 11 the boy can decide on just doing just about anything. Maybe a soldier and/a politician? lol