Thursday, 12 April 2007

Whispers Of Sorrow...

It snowed in Petawawa today. The snow fell softly from the sky, like whispers of sorrow from a town in mourning. It was a thick, heavy snow that clung to the trees, the kind you'd see on a Christmas card. Only there was nothing festive about it. It was wet, and slushy, and the dark, dreary sky matched the sombre mood of the town. People here were visibly shaken. Losing eight soldiers in one week has definitely taken it's toll on our community, indeed on all of our military communities. Of course, the media were all over the base today, camped right by the main gate mostly. We passed them on our way to the gym, just another reminder that our little town made the national news for tragic reasons, yet again. This is not the first time our base has lost soldiers. I wish it was the last. You can tell how hard this has hit everyone. Every where I went today, people were visibly moved. Katherine had Sparks at the Legion tonight, and as we were leaving, several retired Dragoons were going in for a memorial beer. One of them commented on how it has been a bad week. It sure has. At the gym, there were several soldiers waiting for fitness testing. Normally, they would be loud and boisterous. Today, they were quiet and subdued. They looked like they had just lost their best friend. I suppose in a way they did. It could easily have been one of them, or their buddies. I'm sure that's a very sobering thought for all of them. And they are so young, some of them in their early 20s (boy do I feel old). And each one of them eager to go and serve. I have not met one soldier yet who did not want to go to Afghanistan. In fact, the ones I do know who stay behind the wire, are chomping at the bit to go outside, to do their part. As General Hillier said today, "It's been a difficult week." Let's pray we don't have any more like this one. Of course, the calls for us to leave Afghanistan have started anew. It makes me so angry when I hear that. As if Canada and Canadians would be better off if we gave in to the terrorists. If we give in now, then the Taliban have won. We can not let that happen.

To put it bluntly, this week has sucked, but we are fine. As Poppa says, I'm a trooper, and so are our kids. We have lots of support, from both family and friends. And it's so nice to know I have friends I can vent to when I need to. Poor Annette and Arlene's ears are probably still ringing tonight. Every one's been great, and we are so grateful for all of you. I got an e-mail from Dan this morning, letting me know he was okay. Even though I knew he was fine, it was very reassuring to hear from him, and it made my day a lot brighter, despite the miserable weather.

“Grief and sadness knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can; and common sufferings are far stronger than common joys”~~Alphonse de Lamartine

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