I got an e-mail from Dan while we were out. They are back in for a bit. And he is finally feeling better, but it took 48 hours. He was even too sick to have beer during a very rare beer call. Man, he must have been feeling rotten. Poor bugger. No worries though, there are now several boxes of Girl Guide cookies heading his way to make him feel better. Both girls had to sell cookies for Brownies and Sparks (joy of joys). They asked if we could buy some to send to Daddy, but they were concerned Daddy would share them with all the other guys, and there would be none left for Dan. That's when Libby had the great idea of sending all of the cookies to Dan to pass out to the guys, "And we will call it, Cookies For Soldiers". So far, we have two full cases ready to be sent. My great buddy Ann Marie (Ann Marie of the awesome care packages from New York City) generously offered to pay for one full case, and Nana and Poppa chipped in for part of another. And of course, Mommy bought tons. It's such a sweet idea, and I know Daddy will be just as proud of them as I am.
"While we try to teach our children all about life,Our children teach us what life is all about."~~Angela Schwindt
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