Monica is the mother of three (almost) awesome teenagers. She writes about life after the death of her husband in her blog A Goat Rodeo and is the owner of Primitive Expressions. She and her three children reside in the picturesque Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia. Monica has a Bachelor of Arts (H) Psychology degree from Acadia University, Wolfville NS.
It was another fantastic day here today, 26 wonderful degrees. You'd never know it was still April, it feels more like June! It's supposed to go back to normal temperatures this week though. Bugger. It's been so nice, and the kids have had a blast. We decided to finish off the weekend with a BBQ with the gang. As a general rule, I'm not fond of the weekends, Sundays especially. They can be so lonely. But today wasn't so bad after all. It's so nice to have friends to hang out with and pass the time. Just Stu and his three wives. Although, I thought they had some kind of rule about all of the wives being together at once. He really is a good sport, for putting up with all of us. And he cooks a mean burger. Yummy burgers, and Jen made awesome potato salad, and Arlene brought ice cream sandwiches. Ummm, ice cream sandwiches. Low fat, of course. We just chilled and hung out on the deck while the kids ran around and played. Of course, they were outside bright and early again. The doorbell didn't ring until 9:10 this morning. Lucky us. Connor's sleepover went well. His friend is very quiet, thankfully. They were out playing shortly after eight, and Connor didn't come in tonight until eight. He was pretty tired by bedtime. And dirty, holy heck, they were filthy. It took forever to clean the tub out after them. Of course, Katherine was adamant she was not having a tub. Having a tub is boring, she might as well pull her own hair out, that would be much more funner. Whatever turns your crank, I suppose. But you're still having a bath.
"The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it."~~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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