The Camels Have To Go....
It has been a long painful week in Petawawa, and I'm glad it is over. I hope we don't have another one like this one. Despite everything, the kids have handled it well. They are a lot stronger then we give them credit for. I'm sure you've all seen the news reports about the "Critical Crisis Facing Petawawa Children". I definitely have my own strongly formed opinions on the subject (shocking I know), but I shan't go into them tonight (shocking again, I know), I'll get way to wound up. It pushes my buttons, and then I'll get on my soap box, and well, it will get ugly. Speaking of pushing my buttons, okay Dan, those camels. You know what I'm going to say about those camels. Seriously, for the love of God, what on earth possessed you to send them to our children. What did I do to deserve such a gift? Those are the things you send to other people's kids, people you enjoy annoying. And I'm sure you really didn't mean them to annoy me, of all people, right now. In fact, I'm reasonably sure Mike and Annette would love a set for the cousins. I can not even begin to describe how bloody annoying those camels are. Camels are not meant to sing, over and over and over again. And sing they do. Oh, you have not lived until you get to experience the singing camel at 6 am. The best is when the kids start shaking them so the bells around their neck ring in time to the song. Which is completely unintelligible, by the way. Even if I spoke Pashto, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to understand what the bloody hell the camel is singing. As far as I'm concerned the only good thing about those camels, is they will be perfect to torment your father with. If only he had not gone home already. As if the camels were not bad enough, Connor has discovered you can get different kinds of framed giant ass spiders. Whoopee!! Apparently, his friend Ryan has four different ones. You know what that means. Have I mentioned I don't really like spiders so much?? But at least it doesn't make any noise, except for the scream from Elizabeth before she realized it was behind glass. The girls love their beaded purses and scarves, Libby takes her purse with her every where she goes. Oh, and Connor's hat was a big hit with the boys at school. Thankfully, he decided to leave the durhka, durhka bit out. That might not have gone over so well. By the way, I got a note from Connor's teacher today. The GOOD kind, believe it or not. "Connor had an awesome week!" Hallelujah!!!! Now if he would just stop trying to make his sisters wear their scarves like burhkas.

"I distrust camels, and anyone else who can go a week without a drink."~~ Joe E. Lewis
1 comment:
Dad says all Libyans need their camel's. i believe that's a hint to send one to you or him; I'm not quites sure on that one. But I'm sure he'll say you need one. After all, he called you Lib before we ever had an Elizabeth.
Thos escarves are nice. But I don't have one, HINT,HINT!!! lol
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