Oh Toothless Wonder...
Katty finally lost her front tooth today, with a little tug from Nana, I might add. It seems, one of her classmates accidentally hit her, and it was bleeding at school. That's when she decided she'd had enough, and consented to allowing us to take it out. Boy, was she ever excited when it came out. In fact, she's been singing, "All I want for Easter is my one front tooth." all evening. She is such a ham. And not only does the Tooth Fairy come tonight, but she also gets her name put on the giant tooth in her classroom tomorrow, and she will be the first one for April. This is obviously a very important status symbol in the class. Speaking of status symbols, apparently, it's also a big deal in grade 1 to be the only kid in your class whose name starts with that letter. At the beginning of the year, she was the only K. But then, there was not only 1, but 2 new kids to come to the class over the course of the year, whose names start with K. She is not amused. In fact, she told the newbies as much, "One day in the playground, I told them, (with hands up in the air), "You guys are ruining my business." Upon hearing this, Nana and I both broke into laughter, but apparently the other Ks did not find it funny, neither of them laughed. No wonder, they were probably scared she had a hit out on them.

"Other than a dimple in a cute little chin,What's more adorable than a toothless grin?"~~Azu "Betty" Espezia
Congratulations on loosing that tooth! You have beaten Tom to it, he has one wobbly one, but it is hanging on in there for now!
Hi Monnie. Well, it is great to see that the kids are settling a bit with spring on the horizon. Also wonderful to hear that Dan is safe and well. Tell him we think about him each day and I will send a little special message upstairs at church on Easter morning.
The tooth story reminded me of when Lo was small and lost about six baby teeth in one year. I have a photo of him where he looks just like Alfred T. Newman (you know, from Mad Magazine)? Remember how freckled he was as a little guy?
Aunt Mary
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