Pine Cone Bobbitt passed away today at the age of 4 months and a bit of unknown causes, without having suffered, much anyway. Pine Cone was a loving companion to Connor Bobbitt, and sometime companion to Elizabeth and Katherine Bobbitt. Pine Cone led a good life. He ate well, and slept well. His diet of nuts was often supplemented by slices of apple, lettuce and celery, and his favourite dessert was yogurt drops, as cake was just too sweet. His favourite activities were spinning on his wheel and chewing on his bars. His most memorable vacation was spent under Connor's bookshelf. Although, it was a brief vacation, he so enjoyed the view from the floor, and it became one of his most cherished memories. He also enjoyed the occasional spin in the safety of his travelling ball, which allowed him to check out the various nooks and cranny's of the family room. He particularly enjoyed it under the computer desk, where he had the occasional nap, lulled to sleep by the soothing whir of the computer. Of course, these adventures were all to short, but he was always happy to return to Connor's desk, and his cozy nest of pine chips and night night fluff. Although Pine Cone's life was tragically cut short at an all to young age, his memory will live on in the Bobbitt household forever. In the immortal words of Gerry Boyle, he was some hamster. In keeping with Pine Cone's religious beliefs, he was buried at sundown under the pine tree in the back yard. His coffin was befitting of his simple life style, a Kleenex box lined with night night fluff. The ceremony was presided over by Connor Bobbitt, who also acted as the grave digger. Many tears were shed as Connor spoke a few words, and bid farewell to his old friend. The Bobbitt girls performed the musical tribute, singing the song, "My Old Friend". The grave was covered by a blanket of pine needles, and a bouquet of pine cones. His headstone is a rock that will be engraved at a later date. Reception followed in the Bobbitt family room, Pepsi and chips were served as refreshments. In lieu of flowers, Connor has asked you send Tim Horton's gift certificates, care of Mrs Monica Bobbitt. Sleep well old friend, you will be forever in our hearts.
"My old friend, this song's for you, cause a few simple verses was the least that I could do to tell the world that you were here. Cause the love and the laughter will live on long after all of the sadness and the tears. We'll meet again, my old friend. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. My old friend, my old friend. Goodbye, goodbye."~~Tim McGraw
Oh my god, too funny, ahh, I mean - too sad!! I especially liked the Tim Hortons vouchers touch. Poor Connor, send him our love and will there be a replacement???
There should really be a replacement, Monica. A boy should always have a pet and remember Pine Cone was not nearly as much trouble as a puppy will be. After all...they puddle on the floors, chew on furniture, especially wood furniture and might I add? they also love chewing on shoes, boots and anything else lying around. I vote for a new hamster.
Maybe Dad/Danny should add his vote.
What do you say Dan????? Hmmm?
Aye? or Nay?
My vote is aye; get the boy a new hamster.
Oh my Oh my.... I only wish poppa and I could have been there for the funeral and the reception. Tim Hortons coupons will be forthcoming when we next visit. RIP Pinecone.
Truly a classic post.
I say - why hamster? Go for a dog!
There will be no replacement, at least until Dan is home to bury it. And I'm afraid the dog is about 5 months in my future, no avoiding it any longer. And no Ann Maire we are not getting a terrier!
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